Sunday, February 15, 2009

Ancient Shark Teeth

After eating pink pancakes on the wrong day. We headed off to Cofrin Nature Park here in Gainesville. Reese and I went there the day before for a play group. My friend told us that you can find ancient shark teeth in the small stream. So of coarse we had to go the next day to see what we could find.

I have to admit I was a little skeptical at first. I just figured it was a nice day and Reese loves playing in mud and sand. Dylan looked for about one minute and he found one. Then we started finding more and more. It was all very exciting. Reese was ever so helpful with his handy dump truck. We would fill it up with the tailing's and he would dump them down stream.

When we got home Dylan had to show all of the little neighbor kids. So we had to take the neighbor kids and went back the following day. Dylan found the big sharks tooth on the top right. He was really excited. He has been looking them up and telling me what kind of shark each tooth came from. It looks like this might be a new Daniels family hobby.


Elizabeth said...

Hey Daniels Family, I stole the link to your blog off of the Ferrins blog. So you guys are always out doing such fun stuff, we have lived here in the houston area for almost 2 years and we don't know where anything is. That is pretty cool about the shark teeth, a lot better old ones not in sharks mouths anymore!

Dylan said...

We should put some more pics of the big tooth that I found! THAT was AWESOME!

Harriet said...

Hey, Dylan I think you should have the big one made into a necklace for you!!! So was that mom's chair I saw Dylan carrying over his shoulder? It looks like Reese is having the time of his life!!!! And the park and stream are beautiful! What fun fun fun!!!!!

Lindy said...

This brings back memories of you hiding toy cars at the playground so Dylan could find them with the metal detector. I love it!

Casey Niederhauser said...

Holy crap that rules! I want to go there! Whats up with all the shark teeth- was it an ancient shark dentists office?