Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Failed Attempt

not cool mom... not cool

You may have got an awesome smile out of my brother a few years ago wearing the same clothes, shoes and super fancy insect power bracelets. I however, will not participate in such silly shenanigans. I don't care if you do try one hundred and fifty times.

Butler Orchard

For playgroup a few weeks ago we went to Butler Orchard in Maryland for their pumpkin patch.
It was the biggest pumpkin patch I have ever been to with the most children. We had to wait in a long line of cars (and a school bus or two) so I thought we would have a long wait for everything but they had it moving very smooth. Reese had a great time.
I was a little worried that Aiden would be to cold but he did just fine.
I think this is the first pumpkin patch in three years that we had to wear a jacket.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Sunday, October 25, 2009